Search Engine Optimization increases the quality and quantity of web traffic though organic search engine results (non-paid). Don't be fooled that SEO is all about search engines, it's also about understanding what your clients are searching for and the keywords they use in their searches.
Quality posting, updating your content, meta data, alt tags, link worthy...these are all SEO terms that may feel overwhelming and frankly, too much to wrap your head around! At the Holistic Health Collaborative, we provide our clients with personalized SEO on their HHC landing pages, which is carefully crafted by professionals based on their particular business. That means HHC practitioners don't have to worry about mastering SEO on their own or shelling out the $500 a month average cost of SEO services.
SEO works over time, and is an easy way once it's set up to continuously drive traffic (and clients) directly to you!
This is just one way Holistic Health Collaborative stands out from other directories and strives to provide the best marketing for our practitioners. Schedule a call with Founder & CEO, Kate Maslowski, to learn more about joining!