Pharmaceutical drugs have dominated Western medicine for at least the last sixty years. And no one can really call it a systematic approach to medicine, regardless of their feelings on prescription drugs. Pharmaceuticals are designed to manipulate a chemical reaction in the body without regard for the cause of that response.
This is why people who rely on prescription medications seldom get better, and why the drugs are often more toxic than the chemical reaction they are attempting to correct. Of course, in some cases, such as with antibiotics, we have had life-saving effects. Also in these situations, however, the solution is not holistic by design.
When attempting to preserve health or use corrective health solutions, holistic health refers to looking at the body as a whole. Now, I'm not sure if any holistic health treatment, cure, dietary solution, or other similar solution will ever solve every part of the body at the same time. You might deal with widespread inflammation or bring a broad range of nutrients into cells in the body, but this or any other solution wouldn't have all the body requires.
What is Holistic Health
As a result, a holistic approach does not imply providing everything required at the same time, nor does it imply fixing everything at the same time. It simply means that you're taking into account the needs of the whole body at the same time. As a result, when you have a holistic service, cure, nutritional, or other type of treatment, it can help certain areas of the body while causing no damage to other parts of the body. And, of course, by changing one aspect of the body, that aspect begins to do its job correctly, which has a beneficial spillover impact on other aspects of the body.
As compared to pharmaceuticals, an antibiotic can destroy some bacteria in the body that are causing symptomatic problems, but it will also kill beneficial life in the body, resulting in other issues. Finding the origin of the bacteria and removing it (while likely improving the body's capacity to destroy the harmful bacteria on its own) would be a holistic approach to bacteria.
The body will also be recognized as more than a mechanical system in a true holistic approach. It will look at physical health from both a chemical and a quantum viewpoint, since chemical interactions in the body are directly affected by the quantum (sub-atomic) biofield. It is also my understanding that our thoughts and emotions influence our physical bodies through this biofield, and that both thoughts and emotions must be considered in a holistic approach.
(This is, interestingly, one explanation why some remedies or procedures are more suitable for some individuals, while other treatments are needed for others; holistic practitioners' clients should feel at ease about what is being done and have as much mental understanding as they desire of what is going on.) No one should be forced to try a technique by friends or practitioners.)
Finally, most holistic practitioners and clients agree that each individual has a spiritual component, which should be viewed as part of the holistic approach. However, there are a few things that need to be said about this. For starters, a well-balanced holistic practitioner will never feel compelled to impose a moral perspective on a client due to the detrimental impact this would have on the client's mind and feelings, as well as their physical wellbeing.
Second, even though a doctor does not believe in faith, he or she must be receptive to the client's values because they have an impact on the person's mental and emotional health. Ignoring these convictions means failing to see the individual as a whole.
Third, we must be cautious when referring to "spiritual healing" and "energy healing" interchangeably. They're not the same. Reiki, for example, is an energy healing technique that manipulates the client's "life force" energy (ki, or chi) to encourage self-healing. The ubiquitous quantum field (an element of which is an individual's biofield), which is part of the physical universe, is the power that Reiki is meant to operate with. (This is why quantum physicists rather than theologians study it.)
Spiritual healing, on the other hand, is focused on God's spiritual existence and/or the soul moving into the quantum field, thus reviving one's health. This will include esoteric healing methods, which can only be used on clients who have the requisite belief system.
Any physical technique will influence the quantum field, the emotions, the mind, and possibly the spirit, just as any one technique for the physical (chemical) body will not specifically address all aspects of the body, but will indirectly affect many. Any emotional technique will have an impact on the physical, quantum, mental, and possibly spiritual dimensions of the individual.
A holistic perspective, on the other hand, recognizes that every object and event, no matter how insignificantly, has an effect on every other object and event. When we hold this in mind, we can appreciate the vast power of each choice. When it comes to holistic wellbeing techniques, we can be assured that any positive decision is merely a step in the right direction. But, in the end, it's a gesture toward better health.